Hamish Vickerman
B Phty B Ex Sc
I graduated in 2005 with a double degree in Physiotherapy and Exercises Science from Griffith University on the Gold Coast. With a passion for health care and sports injury, I spent the next few years working in private practice working with a large variety of patient types and enjoyed providing physiotherapy services for 1st grade rugby union and AFL teams. With a passion for travel and exploring, I moved to the UK where I worked in musculoskeletal outpatient departments in a number of major hospitals in London.
Three years later and many countries visited I returned to Australia and used my skills and knowledge as the head physiotherapist for a large allied health company on the Gold Coast where I mentored both junior staff and helped train university students during their clinical placements. My aim is to empower and educate my clients to improve their health outcomes with best practice using evidence-based management.
In the last year Hamish has also invented and bought to market a unique exercise device for heel pain named the Fasciitis Fighter. In its first year it has reached practitioners and feet on all corners of the earth. Its purpose is to replace a rolled up towel used in an evidence based strengthening exercise for plantar fasciitis.
After a number of nasty rugby injuries, I practice what I preach and stay active with running, the occasional triathlon or marathon and an average game of golf! I enjoy a challenge and believe in a healthy body, healthy mind.
Recent media Hamish has been involved in:
A podcast chat with the team at Clinic Mastery
A chat with Mick Hughes about plantar heel pain. (Plantar Fasciitis)
A chat with the guys from Lokko ( Locum App company)
Griffith Universities Remarkable Alumni Profiles
Hamish was asked to feature in this May 2019 Edition.