Chronic Pain Management Physiotherapy
Our chronic pain physiotherapy consultations in Broadbeach are tailored to improving and managing chronic conditions or persistent pain. Chronic conditions and injuries are managed differently to acute pain and require specific interventions for the best outcomes. Using a biopsychocosocial approach our Broadbeach Physio addresses the biological, psychological and social aspects of having a chronic injury or pain. We will closely work with your GP and other health care providers to achieve optimal management and health.
We see many cases where clients have had numerous clinical input through various disciplines without results. These cases have often not had all the contributing factors that can lead to ongoing pain addressed.
We pride ourselves on our physiotherapy treatment and management of chronic lowerback pain, shoulder pain and knee pain at our Broadbeach physiotherapy clinics.
Some useful pain information video links
Understanding pain and what to do about it
Medicare funded physiotherapy
If you have a chronic condition you may be eligible for some medicare funded physiotherapy consultations (up to 5 in one calendar year). If your GP diagnoses you as having a chronic condition that would benefit from physio they can put you on a chronic disease management plan.